Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I love feeding my baby in the middle of the night. He wakes up and cries with his eyes closed. When I pick him up, he clings to me with his whole little body. I love feeling his tinyness. His little hand squeezing my fingers as he is drinking his milk. His teeny little ears and chicks. I love watching him and kissing his face. It's my time with my baby. And nobody will ever be able to take it away from me. I hope this feeling will stay in my heart forever.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Diarrhea in infants

When your baby is sick, it's tough. I feel like I am fighting a constant battle. With doctors, my mom, and myself/google. Everyone has opinions, and everyone means well. But not everyone is right at the same time.

Parker has been sick with UTI for quite a while now but we only found out about 10 days ago. He got antibiotic which is giving him diarrhea. We are afraid of (1) dehydration (been there, done that, not fun) and (2) whether the antibiotic is being absorbed in his little body, since everything else he takes seems to run right through him.

They (doctors and the internet) say that diarrhea is a common side effect of antibiotic in infants. Doctors recommend not giving him ANYTHING but current formula. Internet says electrolyte drinks are in order as well as switching him to soy formula, which is supposed to be easier on his sensitive tummy. My mom is absolutely against switching formulas but wants to make his poop thicker by giving him rice cereal or other rice derivative. She also suggests giving him some water/baby tea to replenish the loss of liquids.

And I? I have no freaking clue! I think it's logical to add some fluids, whether it's water or electrolyte drinks, as with so much loss he may eventually get dehydrated, and we don't want to wait till that happens. I also thought switching to soy formula would be a good idea but I am not certain about it. I do not see how switching formula may be worse than introducing new food (rice) to his little tummy all together, and think both options should be eliminated. But what do I know?

In the meantime my baby is suffering and I don't know how to help him. And I don't want to make him suffer even more, so I am probably going to take the doctors advise and wait it out, doing nothing.

Actually, they recommended cutting his dose of antibiotic in half, which may solve the problem at least partially.