Parker is growing like crazy. Last time (about two weeks ago) he was 27" (96th percentile for length) and 14 lb 6.5 oz (25th percentile for weight). Our long and lean baby. :) He will be getting his 2-moths shots this Friday (at 4.5 months, lol). Assuming his urine test comes clean. We had him tested for urinary reflux (NOT FUN) last week due to his two UTIs earlier. He doesn't have it, which is great, but I still want to test him for UTI, as the last test showed some bacteria (not enough to call it a UTI though).
Parker started waking up every 1.5 hours at night. It's been killing us! We are looking into sleep training (Ferber and such). I would like to wait another 2 weeks until he is 5 months but I am not sure we will be able to.
We also ordered a mini crib for P as we want him to continue sleeping in our room and he is outgrowing his co-sleeper. A mini because a full size crib won't fit in our bedroom (would block a closet door from opening). After I ordered it I realized that it's not going to come until next week and decided I get a cheap IKEA crib instead and take off my closet door. :) Anyway, we will be transitioning him from a co-sleeper to a crib, and hope it won't interfere with the sleep training. Although it shouldn't be so bad, as it's going to be the same room. Plus, since I am now buying the crib, I can probably get it on Wednesday and we can start the sleep training the next day.
We have been playing with the idea of introducing solids for P for a while but haven't done much yet. He got an apple a few days ago, a piece in this mesh "sucker", and he loved it. I think we will continue with this for now. We gave him rice cereal in his night bottle twice before, hoping he would sleep longer, but nothing changed. He isn't really waking up because of hunger; he takes three sips of milk and goes back to sleep.
P also got used to eating small quantities but very often. He eats every two to two and a half hours, plus he takes a bottle before sleeping. He now gets fed a bottle about 10-14 times a day!!! More than a just born baby would! It's exhausting, really. At 4 months he should be having 4-6 bottles. During the day he eats 4-6 oz every two hours and sometimes even 4 oz is a challenge. We tried to hold off his bottle for 3 h or so but since he drinks before nap, it's just not possible (he sleeps every two h or get really cranky). I guess this all may change once he starts falling asleep w/o bottle, which, I hope, will be soon. :) My mom says neither I nor my two sisters were good sleepers and that's probably why P is not either. He not only looks like me but also has my stubborn character! LOL! I will get mine! LOL! I wish he took at least sleeping after his dad, we would have been golden then! :)