Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Parker: 15-16 months update

Parker is 16 months and one week, which means that I missed his 15 months update. Bummer. He started the 2013 with bronchitis (we went to the doctor on Fri Dec 29) and I just forgot all about his update. He is pretty much completely recovered now. We gave him a cough sirup (honey based Chestal) to loosen up the phlegm so he can cough it out. Otherwise, he was gasping for air during his long cough episodes, especially at night. He also got LymphDrn 5-6 drops 2xday and some other homeopathic drops (need to provide the name), also 6 drops twice a day. He got much better on Thursday, Jan 10, almost two weeks later. We stopped giving him the medicine the following Sunday.

And here is the general update:

Parker still sleeps with mommy and daddy, but we now have a king size bed! What a difference! He still wakes up twice a night for milk, one about 12.30-1.30 (although yesterday it was 11.30) and once about 4.30-5.30. He drinks his milk, turns around and goes back to sleep most of the times.

Since we are talking about beds and sleeping, here is P's bedtime routine. We usually start a bath between 7.15 and 7.30. Put PJs on and have milk about 7.45. We then read a few books and after the milk is gone we brush teeth and go to bed. When P was sick with bronchitis a couple of weeks ago, he would fall asleep during the reading and we wouldn't be even able to brush teeth. Or he would drift off as soon as his head touched the pillow, before I got to turn down the lights. It's not as great now, he usually takes about 10-20 minutes to fall asleep. And sometimes even up to 40 minutes.

Parker's nap times change from time to time. He used to go around 12.30 and still does it on weekends. During the week, however, he falls asleep between 11 and 11.30 while eating and sitting in his highchair! We have a few really cute videos of him passing out.

Food. Parker loves fruit (pears, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, bananas, mangoes, kiwis, you name it!). He even likes tomatoes! Veggies are harder; likes broccoli, avocado, and peas, but that's about it. He still loves meat and bread. He doesn't eat oatmeal anymore so we have decided to change his breakfasts to a bagel with cream cheese (slowly introducing dairy) or whole wheat waffles. He also eats (adult) cereal from time to time. As for lunch and dinner, he pretty much eats what we eat. I was so proud to be able to say that in front of my girlfriends last weekend!

Parker's favorite stuffed animal is still his Bamboo Buddy Zebra who he sleeps with. He also takes his "Spioch" which is the "Boyo" by Keptin-Jr to bed. As for day time toys, he loves playing with his new pots and pans that he got for Christmas. Still likes regular Mega Bloks and the Alex Jr. Baby Builder plastic connecting elements. He absolutely loves playing in the kitchen so we got him the Little Helper FunPod for Christmas, too.

Parker definitely like to read now, or, to be read to, I should say. He will bring a book, sit himself on my lap, and wait till I start readying. He usually gets up after a page or two to find another book and repeats the same ritual. :) But he pays attention and can sit through three or even four books while drinking his milk before bedtime.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Another disappointment at 6w6d

We headed out to the ultrasound with mixed feelings. We knew what the possibilities were, yet we hoped that the child who was miraculously conceived wouldn't be taken away from us so soon. Well, it turns out there wasn't even a child. Not even a fetal pole. By 6w5d we should have seen an embryo and even heard a heartbeat. As always, they try to say that it's early, earlier than you think. Well, unless the sperms can live inside me for two weeks, I am no longer pregnant. Period.

I am disappointed and angry with God, again. We weren't even trying! Why give me a false hope?? Why make me turn from not being ready to making myself ready and even excited and then take it away so quickly? God has a cruel sense of humor.

I am still waiting to hear from the midwifes. The U/S tech won't diagnose anything, just suggested to come back in a week. I know there is nothing to be waiting for, just hope I won't have to have another D&C.

I feel nauseous now. I think it's the stress. I wish I didn't have to be here (at work) today. I know I could leave, really, but there are people who are relying on me. I will do my job, go to the dentist, and then go home and have a wonderful evening with my baby boy.

I can't stop crying. :(