Haven't been here for a long time. A lot changed, i.e. we have decided to do a home birth and are transferring to a birth center to be cared by midwifes. I requested my medical records to be faxed to me and when I was casually looking over then, I noticed that the result from our anatomy scan at 18w5d says "NASAL BONE ABSENT"! I was furious because the doc never said it directly. All he said was that the baby "has a small nose". Is he a doctor or a beauty pageant judge? Google didn't help, again, and I had a big break down on Friday night (I guess the fact that DH was leaving for a 6 day conference didn't help).
I did more research today and here are my conclusions:
1. Lack of nasal bone in Caucasians occurs only in about 5% of healthy babies so it is starting to be considered a strong marker.
2. Some nasal bones are not detected on u/s. I found a post from a woman who describes her case. They didn't see nasal bone on 7(!) ultrasounds and the baby was born with one (and no DS).
3. Some nasal bones are not detected on u/s, again. Another woman posted description of the same case as ours. First u/s showed nasal bone, on the next one the bone was absent. Her baby daughter was bone with 46 chromosomes (no DS). Not sure if she ended up having a nasal bone or not.
4. Some babies develop nasal bones later. Found a post (sorry, I can't find the link any more) from a woman whose baby was born with no chromosomal abnormalities but also no nasal bone. The bone just started to develop at about 4 months of age.
Here is a link to my post, maybe someone will answer it too.
My biggest worry is that (a) we will do a home birth and the baby will turn out to have DS with some other issues that require hospitalization and that he will get in trouble for not being in the hospital. Or (b) we won't be able to do a home birth when the midwife sees the u/s results note and we will have to go back to the same doctor.
I have GOT to stop now. It's already 5.40 pm, which means that I have only 50 min left and I have not finished what I needed to finish for work! UGH!!!
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