This has happened three weeks ago and was followed by a lot of exciting things so I am not going to be very detail oriented here. Right at the start the very nice technician asked if we wanted to find out the gender (we did, very much so). Unfortunately the baby wasn't willing to expose this little secret to us just yet so she went on to measuring everything and looking at all the details. Heart, lungs, kidneys, bones, all looked good and we were all happy. The baby looked great and moved a lot. We saw him sucking his thumb and stretching his legs. It took a little while (20-30 min or so) and at the end she went one more time for a "bathroom shot". And there it was. My baby's little penis, floating freely in the water! LOL. "It's a boy!", she said and I almost screamed "YES!" :)
We got some pictures (again, they are not great, those u/s technicians are just not the best photographers), she left and the doctor came. He said something that did make me worry a little. He said the baby looks great and healthy, the heart, the lungs and everything. The only thing is that he has a really small nose. He said the bone was clearly visible on the NT scan AND all other measurements+blood test returned really good results (1:1500 and 1:some other large number) so he is going to assume that the baby just has a small nose. I asked again if he is not at all worried and he said he considers it more interesting than worrisome. So we let it go. Until next day, of course. Dr. Google wasn't too gentle with me, everywhere I went people said that without nasal bone between 15 and 20 weeks 9 of of 10 children are born with Down syndrome. I panicked, cried all night, and said I wanted another u/s to see if the nasal bone is there. Then DH found a ton of articles saying that the nasal bone is a "soft marker" for Down, which basically means that it matters only if in conjunction with otherwise risky pregnancy. I googled some more and slowly acquired the same point of view. I guess my freak-out was partially due to the normal pregnancy hormone issues. The thought still comes to mind sometimes (if it's not an issue, why would the doctor mention it at all?) but I am not freaking out any more.
So it's a boy! We are ecstatic and so are my parents. DH said he kept saying either one would be great but then once we found out, he said he secretly wanted a boy all along. :) My parents have three daughters and two granddaughters, no boys on my side of the family so far. They asked me five times if we were sure it was actually a boy. :) DH has one brother and no sisters, but it will be the first grand baby on that side of the family so it's all good there too. :)
We also have been thinking about the name. After going through long lists we narrowed it down to about 10 (Alec, Anders/Anderson, Clayton, Desmond, Eliot, Liam, Milo, Nathan/Nathaniel, Parker) and then decided on The One: Parker. But don't tell anyone because we are not telling anyone besides the closest family. :)
We are still searching for a middle name. I really want a Polish one, to show that he is half Polish. But everything I pick turns out to be wrong for some reason. I like Antoni (a Polish version of Anthony) but DH says is too Italian. I like Kajtek (pron. kahy-tech) which is short from Kajetan, but my mom says it's a cat or dog's name. I downloaded and printed about 200 names off of a Polish name website and plan on having one picked up by the end of the week. :)
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