Lots of changes on our end! I don't even know if I had mentioned before. We sold our house a couple of months ago and moved to an apartment. We bought a house, a condo actually, but it's still being build. We are supposed to move in December/January. It's twice as big as our old house and I am also excited about living in a brand new place, after having to repair something every freaking week in the old house.
Parker still wakes up once during the night for food, usually around 11 pm. It's not too bad as we don't go to sleep until midnight, usually. But I know he is not hungry at that time, as he then can last until 7 am. I don't want him to get used to eating just because, but it may be too late for that.
Also, P stopped falling asleep on his own and is not sleeping through he night yet. Ever since he started crawling, he would get on all four in the middle of the night and cry. We would then have to help him to laying down position. Then he started pulling up on his feet and got used to my assistance. So now he usually wakes up at night at least once (in addition to the 11 pm feeding) and cries. On top of that, he has been sick lately and is now teething (has three teeth already but I think more are coming as he is putting his hands in his mouths more than ever). So now I actually pick him up and rock him to sleep at night! I feel like we are back to when he was 6 months. Except he now is more stubborn. I will rock him almost to sleep and then put him down. He is almost asleep and then suddenly gets up and smiles. :) During naps it's no problem, he will close his eyes and fall asleep. But at night he keeps fighting and getting up. Sometimes it takes me almost an hour before he falls asleep. When I tired to rock him to sound asleep, he would wake up several times at night and want to be rocked. So I know try to put him to his crib "drowsy but awake" as they say. I am not terribly worried, I know he will stop this eventually but it would be nice to have 6-7 continuous hours of sleep again. All my friends are doing some type of cry it out method of sleep training but I really don't believe it's necessary (unless you need/want to speed the process, and I don't think it's worth the crying) so it's hard to talk to anyone about that...
Now food. We give P mostly jar food and some little cereal for finger food. He is really lazy about feeding himself (which is good on other hand because I don't have to worry about him eating dirt and other trash off the floor); he can hold his own bottle but that's about it. Even with the little cheerios he can hardly make it to his mouth! Again, I am not worried much but I would like to start feeding him some "real" food. I feel like he is getting bored with the jar food. But how do you find the time? We usually eat at 9 or 10, after P goes to bed, which happens around 7-8. It would be so great to have family dinners, though!
P also pulls up to everything and he tries to stand without holding on to anything now. He can stand holding on with one hand pretty well already. He cruises along everything very comfortably too. He can also somehow get on top of boxes that are half his height! I was so amazed! (We still have some unpacked boxes laying around).
Parker also started having separation/attachment issues. Man, it's starting to be annoying! He doesn't even want to go to his Daddy when I am around. :(
I can't wait till August! We are going to the Outer Banks of North Carlina with our friends who have a baby girl 3 months younger than P. It's going to be fun!
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