Monday, June 7, 2010

The time has come (to TTC)

June is the first month DH and I decided to actively TTC. On June 28th it will be 6 months since I reached negative, but we think a couple of weeks won't make much difference. :) So assuming my HCG will be below 2 this Friday, we will be BD-ing like crazy next week. :)

I actually skipped my BW last month. When I went the nurse wouldn't do it because it was a week before a full month passed from my last BW. Then I was out of the country, and then I started a new job... So I am going this Friday and I really hope I am still negative. I also hope this is the last time I hope I am negative, and from now on I will only hope that I am positive. :)

I read TCOYF book a couple of times while waiting, and I feel I know my body so much more now. I don't temp but I relying on other signs (mostly cervical fluid and cervical position) I have been able to pinpoint the O day pretty well for the last few months. I am going to start Mucinex on Friday because I never had much egg-white quality CF, and I am not a big fan of Pre-Seed (although we actually used it when I got pregnant with the MP).

I am going to O sometimes between next Monday and Wednesday. And then - the dreaded 2ww... I am very excited but also scared and anxious. I really would like this baby to have EDD before or on the EDD of the MP. And this means that I need to get pregnant either this or next month. Nothing like a self-imposed pressure. :)

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