I was feeling uneasy last night when I was getting ready for bed. Next morning's temperature was going to tell me so much! It will probably fall dramatically, and my hopes will follow soon after.
I awoke to the much welcomed sound of alarm clock, 7 AM couldn't come soon enough! Bit on the thermometer. 10 seconds, 20, 30, 59, beep beep beep! 97.98F. Hmmm, not quite over 98, which would be a good sign, but not quite as low as 97. Bathroom. Hmmmm, no blood, no spotting, not even right on the cervix. Well, AF is probably on its way and it's just a matter of hours before she shows up. But not even tiny little pink drop, not even after a series of Kegels? Well, I do have two HPTs... Maybe I will try one only... No, I'll just wait till tomorrow. Let's not waste the test. OK, I'll try the cheap one, Clear Blue.
Pee in a cup, get the test, open it, dip it, and wait. Wait for 3 minutes. 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds... wait, there is a line! OMG, there is a very strong, big fat vertical blue line! Calm down, blue ink tests tend to give false positives! Get the FRER, the digital! Open the test, dip it, and wait. Wait for 3 minutes. 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, nothing. 2 minutes, 3 minutes, nothing. Is the test broken? Oh no, now I'm not going to know! Wait... OMG, there it is! PREGNANT+!
14 dpo and such a fast clear line? What if it's another molar?
Happy? Surprised? Scared.
EDD April 2011. Almost exactly one year after. Will the story be the same?
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