Friday, September 10, 2010

Another one

Spoke with a friend overseas this morning and got the latest news. A wife of my friend/former coworker is pregnant. We will be seeing them when we go there at the end of October. It will be tough because she is pretty much exactly when I would have been. Why do I have this bad luck of having EDD the same as friends who go on to have healthy babies???

It's been 1.5 years since we started TTC and I'd been pregnant for 20 weeks all together. That's 20 weeks of nausea, tiredness, and extreme stress. And I have nothing to show for it! Even people who weren't even thinking of trying when we started, already either are pregnant or have babies! And we can't even TTC now! I am happy for them but I am also so sad/pissed/disappointed, and tired of this whole f-ing process!

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