Thursday, September 2, 2010

9 weeks 2 days

A big day tomorrow. We are going to the "extra" ultrasound at 10 AM EST. According to my calculations I will be 9 weeks 3 days. I am going form terrified to happy. I have my list of things what I will do if it doesn't work out and read it from time to time when bad thoughts get to me.

DH is out on Fantasy Football draft party so I am going to be battling with my thoughts by myself tonight. Hopefully I'll just go to sleep at 7-8 (as I have been doing for the last several days) and wake up at 8 AM.

Ugh, if we do get bad news, I will have to have D&C during the long weekend. And the weekend will be REALLY long then. Sucks. Should have done the U/S earlier, so I could recover during the weekend already in case of the bad news.

Please pray for us tomorrow.

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