Friday, September 3, 2010


I am sorry to report that our little one didn't survive. I was supposed to be over 9 weeks, the baby measured 6w5d and "no cardiac activity was detected". Must have passed about 2 days after the first U/S two weeks ago. I am just glad I trusted my instinct and pushed for this U/S. Otherwise we would have been clueless for another 2-3 weeks. Ugh.

D&C on Tuesday at 1 PM. Hopefully will know if it was another MP or not by the end of September. Already told my boss I wasn't coming on Tuesday and Wednesday, he cried with me, sweet.

We are sad and disappointed. But not as much as last time, we know what's going to happen and the whole D&C etc. Hopefully we'll be able to start TTC again soon.

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