Saturday, September 10, 2011

At home

Marc had to run and get a few more baby items from Buy Buy Baby. I never bought any newborn t-shirts and have only onsies. But we need t-shirts while he has the umbilical cord still not healed.

Marc also got a diaper pail kind of thing. We haven't started on the cloth yet (not ready to do this much laundry after c section). And he got one of those swipe and read thermometers. Parker felt a bit warm to me today and all we had was a rectal one, which is good but I would rather restrain from using it to only when really necessary.

I have to say C section is tough. The surgery itself is not bad but now I feel pretty useless. I can hardly walk and getting out of bed is horrible. I feel like I'm going to tear my stitches all the time and I'm all swollen from my belly button down. I can't believe there are women who actually sign up for that.

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