Friday, September 2, 2011

39w5d: Quick update

My ticker says: 39 weeks 5 days pregnant. About 2 days to go." I still can't believe it! After all this, I am so happy! I spent last Labor Day waiting for a D&C with a dead baby in my tummy. I still miss my two previous babies. Parker is very much alive and I love when he reminds me of that, even though sometimes it means a foot in the rib cage. :)

I haven't posted for a while and now have a lot to say.

Today is my Friday off. I cleaned up my office yesterday and took my "travel" computer home. I am ready not to go back on Tuesday. :)

We finally put the rug back in the basement, as it is completely dry and doesn't smell any more (details later). :) We also ordered a new rug for our living room (the one that used to be there went to Parker's room). I can't wait until it gets here.

More later, have to get in the shower now. Having lunch with G in 25 min!


It's 7.30 pm now, I am back. Just wanted to report that we got and hang the mobile over the crib. It's a simple one, Flensted Elephant Party Mobile, and it looks absolutely gorgeous! I also figured out what to put in the empty space next to the crib: B&W pictures! I have two large white frames left (the question remains: where are they?). I want to put one of my pregnancy pictures and one of DH with Parker (after P is born, of course). Since they will be B&W, and located in the very opposite corner of the room, they will provide a nice balance for the b&W guitar over the glider. I am so excited! Pictures to follow.

Also, I have been having very irregular but somewhat painful contractions today. I must have had about 5 or 6 all total, so not even once an hour. I don't think this means anything other than the fact that I am coming close to my due date. I am hoping to finish everything on my list tomorrow and Sunday, and that Parker comes on Monday. That would be PERFECT (although I really don't believe it will really happen in such a convenient way). :)

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