Parker has been so cute lately! He is sticks his feet/knees out on the top right hand side of my belly; I love this feeling. I usually rub his little foot a bit when he does that. I love him so much already and now really can't wait for his arrival.
My belly is pretty huge by now and I can hardly fit in any of my shirts, even the maternity ones. I didn't gain any more weight though, for the last 3 weeks. The midwifes don't seem to worry though. DH and I saw a youtube video a while ago where a doctor (or a midwife, actually) said that stabilizing weight usually happens 2-3 weeks before the delivery. This would mean that we are getting close!
Walking is getting hard because of the pelvic pressure, and laying down is no better, not to mention trying to sit on anything other than an office chair.
Our nursery is almost ready. We have painted the stripes on the walls, hang the picture and the shelf, and attached the changing station to the dresser as of yesterday. We are still waiting for the glider, and have to steam clean the rug before we bring it up from the living room.
We also are done with the deck, finally. It's not perfect, but it is close enough. DH put together the table and we set it up outside yesterday. It looks gorgeous and we can't wait to have our first meal out there, perhaps tomorrow. Here is a pic.
Our tenant quit on us unexpected, and we had to search for another renter. On one hand it's good, she was very needy and bothered us about every little thing. She locked herself out twice (last time two day ago), and didn't seem very grateful for help. The timing was not good, of course, but it looks like we may be done searching. We are meeting a potential renter tonight and hope to have the lease signed by the week's end.
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