I am feeling good, for the most part. But I have been experiencing what I believe is referred to as 'pelvic pressure', since Saturday. It makes it a bit painful to walk so I am glad I have my midwife appointment tomorrow and will be able to ask about it. I also have been having A LOT of Braxton Hicks over the weekend, to the point that I downloaded a contractions tracking app on my iphone and started tracking them. As I expected, they are all over the place, not at all regular, so I don't think they mean anything. Although it definitely makes me happy to know that my body is getting ready.
I also had a strange, out of the blue, "attack" of RLS at work this afternoon. It hasn't happened since the first trimester and I was very surprised. I stretched and stretched and then felt so tired I had to close the door and take a short nap. This helped and I feel much better now. I am jealous of the women who go on maternity leave before their babies come around, though. I wish I could just stay at home and veg out on a couch, or at least be able to finish nursery when I actually have some energy in me.
Speaking of the nursery, we have made a great progress this weekend. DH finally installed the new fan, and I am super proud of him. He is not a handy guy who enjoys fixing stuff, he never liked to do things around the house. And the fan was not an easy one to start with. Especially that our 1939 house doesn't have a standard, color coded wires. So an extensive research and trial and error sessions needed to be performed before the darn thing was up and running. DH was so happy with the effect (and so satisfied that he actually did it all by himself), that he pushed for purchasing another fan, for our bedroom, and is going to install it next weekend. :)
I also finished up the shelves in the bookcase and put away all Parker's books and toys. He's got so many books already! A big chunk of them are my birthday present books, in Polish/English. I got them from my dear friend in NC. I am super excited about those; Marc will be able to read the stories to Parker in English and I'll get to read to him the same stories in Polish! So much easier to "get" what everything means. I also think they will help Marc pick up some Polish.
A big plan for tonight is to start cooking. I want to be prepared for when Parker comes, so we don't have to stress about what we are going to eat (it's always a big issue for us now). I am planning on making Lecho and Mushroom Gulasz. We can eat those with rice or bread and they are easy to heat up. I don't like freezing food (for some reason we never get to defrost any pre-cooked dinners and end up throwing them out) so I am planning on putting them in jars and storing them in the fridge for a month or so. I bought (almost) all the ingredients on Sunday, but I forgot the big one - tomatoes. We are going to stop by and get them on the way home, and pick up some jars from Target too. I am very excited, although I know I will feel super tired tonight.
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