Tuesday, August 11, 2009

5 weeks 2 days

Tender breasts. Little nausea probably after prenatal vitamin. Nurse called and asked me to go for another blood test tomorrow. The Friday one showed Hcg at 823mUi, which she considers a bit low. I think it is fine, since the Tuesday one (at the beach) was 114mUI. Which means it more than doubled during the 48 h. But I am happy to go. I'll do anything that can make me feel more pregnant! :)

Called Renata Singer on the way back from work. She asked me straight in my face if I was pregnant yet, so I told her. She won't tell anyone as we don't have common friends, so it is safe. :) Went for a run as I was talking to her. Did 30 min easy jog, probably same speed as usually. It was hot but I felt great!

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