Thursday, August 13, 2009

5 weeks 4 days - Freak-Out Two, a major one

Major freak out. I've been having slight pain int he left ovary. A slight pain though, nothing big. It's been like that on and off for 2-3 day now. I went online and, of course, read all the stories about ectopic pregnancy and stuff. Called Marc about 11 AM and told him about my worries and totally freaked out on the phone. Cried like a baby. He went online and read about it too. Tried to convince me that I really had no symptoms of ectopic pregnancy but I was unconvinced. :) He finally suggested to call the doctors. And I did. Still crying, so the woman on the phone thought I was in such pain. They tried to fit me in for an appointment but were not able and told me to go to ER. I finally explained that it's not the pain that makes me cry, it's the unknown and the worry. So she suggested to "take it easy and rest" and go for the U/S the next day. I called the U/S place and made an appointment for 8 AM. I felt better already.

BTW, the blood result from yesterday was 10,221.

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