Thursday, January 6, 2011

5w4d: I almost forgot!

We are 99% done with our bathroom renovations. It looks absolutely B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! All we need now is the tub door. We have it already, it only needs to be installed. Unfortunately there are some difficulties with the installation but nothing we can't overcome. I hope we will be totally done by the end of the weekend.

One thing has been making me feel guilty today. There are two girls on MP board that are miscarrying. I feel so sorry for them as I know the feeling is - went through it myself, twice. But a part of me is thinking: betters statistical chances for me! And then I feel horrible for even having that thought! :(

Today I am 5 weeks 4 days. Does it really matter though? I may stop feeling any pregnancy symptoms tomorrow! Or may find out on Monday that my blood test showed decreasing hCG. Or may go to my 7w5d ultrasound and discover that there is no baby! Ugh,, think positive!

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