Monday, January 3, 2011

5w1d: I think I found HIM

The Best Doctor On Earth, that is. If after having two miscarriages you were pregnant again (5w1d), and on the first visit your doctor said: "Come in any time for a blood work or conversation, whenever you feel you need to!", wouldn't you love him/her? Well, that's what my new doctor said. He also suggested another B/W at the end of the week (I had first done today) and U/S and OB check mid-month. IF not bleeding. If bleeding occurs - call and come in immediately. So I am going back for the B/W this Friday, and for the U/S on Friday three weeks from now. I will be 7w5d then so we should see a big bean and a strong HB. Fingers crossed.

I also had my acupuncture today. My pulse is still VERY weak. Doc said that it may be because of the pregnancy; whatever energy and blood is created by the acu and herbs, is being "spent on the pregnancy." That was actually my idea too. I am to continue the Ten Flavor and Five Ancestors, and now come in for treatment only once a week. He also put two needles in my face today, for cleansing the sinuses (I have been congested due to a cold for the last 10 days or so). My nose already feels better. :)

Another good news is that I am still at 158 lbs!! Well, that's 7 lbs more than when I got pregnant first time a year and a half ago. But after two miscarriages and the 9 weeks of chemo, I still think I am in a good place. Plus, I haven't worked out for almost two weeks! I am so glad that I didn't gain anything during this time. I was worried that I have already gained at least a couple of pounds and I will have to start with loosing it. And I know I shouldn't do that now, when I am pregnant.

All in all, good day today. I hope my hood mood lasts another two and a half weeks, until the U/S! And I really hope it's not going to get messed up by the B/W results tomorrow!

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