Friday, January 21, 2011

7w5d: Happy again!

The ultrasound went excellent! Baby measured 8w1d (I am 7w5d according to LMP) and had a strong heart beat of 185 bpm. I am starting to believe this little bean actually has a chance!

I have to admit I was a total basket case on the way to the doctor. I couldn't help it and cried all the way there, until we got in the elevator. I didn't sleep well last night either, and now I am exhausted. Exhausted but happy, very happy. :)

We also got a pic of our cutie:

It feels so weird when I realize that the baby is a totally separate human being. A start of its own person with own feelings and opinions. Even though s/he lives inside me, s/he is not, really, a part of me! Just incredible!

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