We also got a few pictures although both DH and I agree that this u/s tech is not a very good photographer. :) The baby waved his/her hand to us a couple of times but unfortunately she was unable to catch it. The baby also had a hiccup almost the whole time1 It was cute at first but then I felt very sorry seeing his/her tiny body being jerked like that! Supposedly it is good as that's how you know they are developing sucking and swallowing skills.
Here are the pics.

And our little alien:

We also told my parents. I implemented the photo plan; posted all the ski trip pics on Picasa and added the U/S pics as the last two. I sent them a link and was on the phone with them while they looked. They didn't notice the "all ten of us" comment under the first pic but I didn't want to draw attention to it. When they got to the last photos, my mom was all confused: "Ooo, baby?! Whose baby is this?" I knew she knew, she just couldn't believe it. :) I said, "Look, the name is on top of the pic!" And she read my name out loud (it sounds so cute how they pronounce my last name with the thick Polish accent!). :) They were so happy! She asked how far along I was. She said she suspected a couple of times when we were on the phone but didn't want to ask as she knew we wouldn't want to tell before the end of 1st trimester. She knows me so well. I love my parents!
I sent the same email to my little sister, as she was at the movies at the time and I couldn't talk to her. Then called my big sister and I got to implement my other plan, the one about not going to the beach! I mentioned to her a couple of weeks ago that we may have to move the beach trip as two of the families who usually go are not able to come in September. Today I said that one of the families is us. And I asked if she knows the reason. I am not sure if she suspected but just didn't want to say it in case it wasn't it, but she said no. I said "It's because in September there will be already three of us!" :) She was so happy! I love sharing good news!
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