Friday, Feb 4, 9w5d.
The u/s was AWESOME. I told the tech that this is our third pregnancy and we have no babies yet, and if she could tell us asap. So as soon as something appeared on the monitor, she turned it to us It was a good sign. There were some settings tables blocking the view for the first few seconds, but I already could see the head of your baby! And it was a big one! lol. The baby was so much bigger than last time (measured 10w2d) I couldn't believe it! S/he had two distinct arms and two distinct legs and looked like a real person! We didn't hear the heartbeat but we could clearly see it blinking on the monitor. She measured the HB and it was 169 bpm, perfect. The baby waved his/her hands to us and kicked a few times trying to turn around. It was simply unbelievable, and I was crying for happiness. Two more weeks, baby, just be strong for two more weeks, and we will be (almost) out of the woods! :)
- My m/s faded out almost entirely, yesterday I didn't feel any even in the evening. It might have been because we were at a Superbowl party and I was preoccupied with other things and constantly chewing on something. It came back slightly today in the morning (before I got up) and than again around noon when I was starting to get hungry for lunch.
- I also survived till after 11 pm yesterday without napping, even after a 50 min walk! I am paying for it today, as I am really tired. I am thinking about snicking out to take a nap in the car.
- Boobs have been as sore as usually; that's the one symptom I can always count on. :)
- I have been having some cramps today and read somewhere that it may be a sign of dehydration. The girl who mentioned it said that she was suggested to drink as much water as possible ("until you feel like you are going to throw up" were her exact words) and then lay down. She said it helped. I know I have no place to lay down so I better not make myself throw up, as it will cause even more dehydration. So I opened my last dreaded bottle of water found in my goodies drawer and I am pushing myself to take a few sips from time to time. I am about half-way done. The good thing is I was able to take my prenatal vitamin with it.
And now, what everyone has been waiting for: Our brand new 10-weeker! :)
I am in love!
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