Saturday, February 26, 2011

12w6d: Blood

Woke up at 4 AM to go to the bathroom and... I saw blood on my underwear. It wasn't much, perhaps an inch wide round spot, but it was bright red. You must be kidding me, I thought, as we waited for long 12 weeks and 5 days and a great NT scan to tell my parents. I called the doctor (answering service, actually) immediately, they said the doc will call me back ASAP. We checked the HB and it was as usual, which calmed me down. I tried to fall asleep but that wasn't really feasible in this situation, so we just kind of sat in bed and talked. We were fairly calm thanks to the Doppler and the fact that I wasn't really "bleeding" any more; it now was more like little pink when I wiped. We finally fell asleep around 8 or so. At 10 I woke up and decided to call again. This time the doc called back right away and said that if it's only a little then it's ok to wait till Monday for another U/S. We checked the HB again and it was still good. The spotting was less and less and is now more brown-ish, which indicates old blood. I have a good feeling but I am also looking forward to the U/S on Monday.

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