Tuesday, August 3, 2010

21 dpo = 5w0d

Finally. I feel like pregnancy doesn't even start until 5 weeks. I want to be pregnant, I want it so much! But it's hard. My boobs are not feeling as sensitive as for the last few days. And I wasn't as tired last night, actually went to sleep around midnight, which is pretty normal for me. Is this bean going to stick? I don't have my blood work until Thursday, which is ridiculous, as they will be 7 days apart! Isn't blood test supposed to detect if hcg doubles every two days? Why do I not get to see whether it's doubling? The doctor want's to do u/s when it reaches 2000. It should be way over 2000 on Thursday according to my calculations. I really hope we will see a healthy pole next week (can a fetal pole even be healthy or unhealthy??). It's going to be hard to wait till the office calls me with the results on Friday though.

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