My joy didn't last too long. I read more on the internet and did more calculating. The baby usually measures small because of miscalculation of the conception date. Well, there is no possible way that the baby was conceived 4 days later in my case! This would mean that it was not only 4 days after I ovulated but also 6 days after the last time we had sex. And we all know by now that sperms can live only up to 5 days. So the chances are, well, pretty small.
I feel that I am going to loose this bean. Unfortunately. I have OBGYN appointment in 2 h so I will see what's her take on all this. Hopefully she will send me for another U/S next week. If this baby is not going to make it, I want to know asap! If she won't, I am changing the doctors.
There is still a tiny bit of hope in my heart, I teeny tiny one, that the baby will somehow "catch up" to the proper size next week.
I want to throw up.
I didn't go to work today, called in sick. I really need to see that doctor today and it was either today at 2 or in two weeks! I also have a very important meeting at 2, and if I didn't call in sick, there would be no way I could make it to the appointment. Plus, I have school on Friday night and all day Saturday and I know I will be exhausted. I just need a break. I still feel bad about lying, I hate to lie!
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