Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8 weeks 1 day

Woke up with boobs not hurting at all. It made me really sad because a few days before the horrible u/s last year I also felt like all my symptoms went away. So now I freak out whenever I feel a bit less nauseous or tired etc. They hurt a bit now, although not as much as sometimes. I hope it's only temporary.

My doc office called; apparently I have UTI and they will be faxing a prescription for antibiotics to my pharmacy. I googled it and they say pregnant women are prone to this due to hormonal changes. I am just not very confident about taking antibiotics during pregnancy, especially so early.

I also called my insurance yesterday and they said that as long as the ultrasound people bill the u/s under "maternity", it will be paid for. That's good news. I am scheduling my next u/s for Friday, Sept 3rd. I should be 9w3d then.

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