Thursday, August 5, 2010

23 dpo = 5 weeks 2 days

I got the blood work results today. They called me early in the morning, while I was in a meeting (of course!). The nurse left a message: 5,397!!! It doubled! Yes!! Beautifully doubled, maybe a bit more then doubled, but not as much to worry about molar. I hope.

Since the hcg is over 2000 I scheduled an u/s. But I don't want an early one, like last time, just to find out that I am right on time but there is no baby yet. The u/s is scheduled for August 18th. I will be 7 weeks 1 day (or 7w0d LMP), so we will see the heartbeat if it's meant to be. I really hope it's meant to be.

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