There is heartbeat! 111 bpm, that's good.
I was really nervous (see previous post) and ready for the bad news. I was very quiet when we got to the car and knew it was going to be hard. So we started talking about my pregnant friend, who is ready to give birth in 3 days. This loosen the tension and I was able to laugh and relax a bit. We got the the place at about 7:40. Filled out some paperwork and waited till about 8:05 to be called in. The ultrasound tech was ok. Not super enthusiastic but fairly warm. Asked if everything was ok so far. I said that it was, no bleeding or anything, but that after last time we both were realistic. She asked for details and I just told her that at 11 weeks u/s the baby had no HB and was just about 6weeks big. She said aww, and went right into it. She immediately said "So there is a baby with a heartbeat." I didn't see it and asked, semi-surprised: "There is??" She zoomed in and showed us a little blob with a beating heart. :) Then she turned up the speakers and we heard the little heart beating really fast. I did cry and squeezed M's hand really hard.
The tech said the baby is measuring between 6 and a half and 7 weeks (the u/s pic says CRL 0.61cm, 6w3d), and the due day according to my LMP is April 6. I told her that I should be 7w 1d according to my calculations but she said it's still perfectly normal and she can't change my due date.
The heart rate was 111 bpm. I already googled on the way to work that for 6-7 weeks the heart rate is between 100-110, so 111 seems just fine. Although some girls reported 150 and more around 7 weeks.
I decided that this is good news and I can finally break the news on the Molar Pregnancy board. I will probably also tell my friend who I am meeting tonight. I told her after we lost the baby last time, and I will tell her if anything happens this time. So it's not really fair to give only the bad news. Plus, if It's going to end, I want to take a full advantage of the good and pleasant stuff too! From now on - I am happy!
And here is where I remember the ecstatic one day and the completely devastated the next day from a year ago, and I change my mind. I won't be overly happy, I will be cautious, but I won't be paranoid anymore, either.
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