Tuesday, August 17, 2010

7 weeks 0 days - the night before ultrasound

I couldn't sleep I was stressing so much. So I created a list of things I would do if we got bad news tomorrow. Something to show that life will go on and we will be fine. So here is the list:

1. Loose weight and get in shape. Possibly sign up for another race or start seriously play tennis.

2. Get a new fixer-upper house.

3. Go home (to Poland) for Christmas.

4. Redo bathroom in our current house by myself.

5. Finish renovating BIL's house.

6. Get PMP (Project Management Professional) Certification.

7. Use up Groupon for laser hair removal.

8. Dye hair!!! (Haven't dyed my hair in 6 weeks and I have awful blond roots showing!)

9. Get tooth implant.

Making this list made me feel much better.

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