A better day. I woke up with boobs really sore. And I felt a little nauseous in the morning. And boobs are even more sore now, I can barely touch them. It makes me happy because I feel like there is hope this baby will stick.
I go to my MP board every day. I read almost everything but I don't post much. Recently I stopped reading the Recently Diagnosed as I felt like I didn't know any of the girls any more. So I stuck with the TTC. But since I got my BFP, I started reading Pregnant After MP and got a little sluggish with the TTC. I am definitely not ready to join the Pregnant... yet but since two girls just announced BFPs on the TTC, I wanted to do that to. But I didn't want to announce it publicly without telling my one friend from the board before hand. So I composed an email to her but just couldn't bring myself to send it. I know nobody reads this blog so I feel like nobody actually knows about my BFP. But if I tell someone, I'll jinx it. Even if it's a virtual friend.
As a matter of fact I tried to email this friend a few times already. Every time I changed my mind. So here is the message:
Sorry I fell off the face of the Earth. I actually have been reading the posts but every time I started writing, someone would come to my office and I had to close the browser. :) It's late now and nobody is here so let's try again. :)
I know you are O-ing about now and that it hurts, so I hope the pain stops right after the O. You said that last time the cyst went away on it's own, I hope this one will too. Actually, when you get pregnant, the cyst should stay and support pregnancy until the placenta picks up. So I actually hope it doesn't go away, and that it makes itself useful instead. :)
As for prenatal vitamins, yeah, they make them fancy. I have a few weeks supply left and am debating whether to go for refill or not. $45 is a steep price for just simple vitamins. Although they don't make me nauseous like the other ones did, so it may be worthy. I don't know about hemorrhoids, luckily I never had a problem with that. Would hemorrhoids be due to constipation? If so, you can probably figure out what in the pills makes you constipated and just see if any brand makes them without that ingredient.
Luteal phase of 13 days is perfect. Anything above 12 is good, since implantation doesn't happen until 10 days or so, the egg needs some time to attach. So with 13 you are totally fine.
Good for you with the boot camp. As far as I remember you are in the second one now. I'm jealous about the 2" off your waist! You go girl!
I am really scared to say it (or write it) for the fear of jinxing it but I feel I owe you this information. I got my BFP last week. I tested at 14 DPO, which is one day after AF due for me (also 13 days LP). I got a very strong positive on Clear Blue. Since I read so much about false positives with the blue ink tests, I retested with FRER digital and got a YES. So far we didn't tell anyone (except for my doctor) as I am PARANOID. I feel like the moment I hit send on this message (with the info abut BFP), everything will just go down hill. Therefore I am not going to send it.
Ugh! I hate being so paranoid! It's not fair to the baby! I feel like this baby is not getting any love. And if this is it's only time on this earth, (s)he deserves to be loved even more then one that survives! My baby is still an embryo and I am already a bad mother! :(
I have to change the subject. We went on a long bike ride with DH last night. We want to take advantage of good interest rates and buy a new house. We want to buy a fixer upper though, as we love seeing how the house changes from a beat up ugly to a beautiful one. I have worked on my BIL's fixer upper for the last year. Patiently driving 40 miles/50 min every Saturday morning, and 40 miles/50 min back every Saturday night.
Anyway, the house is almost ready (it looks beautiful) and I need a new project. I learned what I needed and now I want to apply it in my own home. So we rode around the neighborhood looking for the "diamond in the rough". :) When we got back home it was already dark. We reheated our leftover taco stuff and ate watching Friends rerun. We love having our basement back (long story). Than I took a nice long bath. A very pleasant evening. :)
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